Inspired interiors, bespoke joinery, undivided attention

Guthrie & Kirkwood Exist To Help You Transform Your Home In London And The Surrounding Areas.

Our passion for singular design and bespoke handmade service, our network of highly skilled professionals, our insistence on the highest standards in both products and workmanship: these elements combine to deliver results which excite us as much as they delight you. And much as what you get from us is a service with an outcome, we believe that the service we offer is personal: once you ask us to help transform your home, it can’t be anything but. It’s personal because of what your space says about you, and personal because of what our work says about us. The extent to which that matters is clear from the results. Welcome to Guthrie & Kirkwood: Inspired interiors, bespoke joinery, undivided attention.
What I Do


Interior Design

If you’re looking for the best interior design in Kent, you’ll probably already know that the phrase ‘interior design’ covers a very wide range of design services.

Home Renovation

Room by room or floor by floor, if you have in mind a partial or complete home renovation project, conversion or extension, our design flair, exacting standards and rigorous professionalism apply equally to every facet of transforming your home.

Garden Rooms

The solution to problems of space, or the increasing need to work from home, could be a beautiful, bespoke garden room or office in London.

Bespoke Kitchens

A beautiful bespoke kitchen is so much more than a place to store and prepare food. It can be the warm heart of your home: a place to entertain, relax, socialise, gather as friends and family.

Bespoke Joinery / Bespoke Furniture

Our high-quality bespoke joinery can help you transform your home in London.

Bathroom Design

You no doubt already know that not all bathrooms, even beautiful bathrooms, are created equal. And the same applies to bathroom designers in London.
Most Recent

Case Studies

You can view some of our inspired interiors and bespoke joinery projects here.